Why You Shouldn't Check Your Crush's Birth Chart
Your reminder not to hyperfixate on astrology as a tool in romantic relationships. Leave room in your heart and mind for miracles to happen.
Full Moon in Taurus: Rooted in Love
As we step into the earthy, nurturing embrace of the Full Moon in Taurus, we're gifted a moment to slow down, ground ourselves, and bring warmth and stability to our relationships.
Your Rising Sign: The Key to Understanding How You See the World—and How the World Sees You
Learn how your rising sign shapes your outward personality, influences first impressions, and impacts how you perceive the world. Unlock a new layer of self-awareness with this guide to each rising sign.
Piercing the Veil: Aquarius Full Moon
Today’s Full Moon in Aquarius is potently revealing, truthful, and determined to tear down all that glitters but is not gold. The downfall of celebrities, politicians, and executives who do not value the power of the people is not only inevitable, it is swift. For many, it is rattling.
How will Mercury Retrograde Impact You? Your Guide to Reading Astrology Transits
Whether you’re navigating the miscommunication of Mercury retrograde in the workplace or an aspiring astrologer, understanding how Mercury retrograde interacts with your chart can give you eye-opening insights into your communication, thought patterns, and daily frustrations.
What is Mercury Retrograde? An Astrologer's Guide to Survive (and Thrive)
Mercury is the planet of communication, ideas, analysis, and intelligence. Mercury moves quickly through the sky and when it goes retrograde, it appears (but doesn’t actually) to move backward from our perspective on Earth.
Full Moon in Capricorn: The Reality of Father Time
Full Moon in Capricorn grounds us into the harsh realization of where our systems have failed us. Sometimes it takes time to see the fruits of your labor, but sometimes, even time can’t make a broken system run.
Crazy Stupid Luck: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction
Today’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is in the sign of Taurus. Venus-ruled Taurus reflects how we value beauty, nature, money, and love.
Solar Eclipse in Aries: The Truth will Set You Free
It's time to trust in your abilities, stand tall in your convictions, and boldly pursue your dreams. With the fiery energy of Aries fueling your passions, you have the confidence and determination to conquer any obstacle in your way.
Lunar Eclipse in Libra: The Relationship Race of 2024
Some people are calling it the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, I’m calling it the Relationship Race of 2024. This eclipse is pushing you to be honest with yourself about the connections you have with friends, family, colleagues, and so much more.
New Moon in Pisces: Journey to Clarity
On this New Moon in Pisces, which is exact at 4:59 am CT, we are called to reflect more deeply on what we use to intoxicate ourselves.
Millennials, Gen Z, and More: How Pluto Defines Each Generation
Whether you love to make fun of the Millennial pause, Bommer guilt, Gen Z phone call anxiety, or Gen X’s workaholism, we all can find commonality and humor in the traits shared amongst a generation. While generations have been studied by scientists for decades, astrologers have identified generations through the stars for thousands of years.
Virgo Full Moon: There is No Room for Perfection in Purpose
Today’s full moon in Virgo is the last full moon of the astrological year. What do you want to release before you set your 2024 goals on fire? How can you clear away the fear, hesitation, and self-doubt that has been keeping you from taking that brave next step?
Spiritual Hygiene: Daily Rituals for Highly Intuitive Souls
Whether you’ve always wanted to have a better relationship with your intuition or are working on boundaries in your relationships, spiritual hygiene is the best way to feel more empowered in every area of your life.
How Astrology and Astronomy Broke Up: The Race for Legitimacy
When you take a look at the history of astrology and astronomy in the western world, it is hard to imagine a time where the two were studied together. But just as nutrition was separated from the study of anatomy in the west, astrology was separated from the physical, mathematical understanding of each planet’s placement in the sky.
Understanding the Zodiac Signs: An Ancient Look at Astrology
For most of astrology’s history, astrology was inseparable from astronomy. So how did the two end up developing very different disciplines in the western world?